5 things I’m worrying about as my son graduates high school

In one week, my son will graduate high school. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around this. For those of you who remember my stories about the Taz from my single mom days, I’m sure this is hard for you to believe, as well. He’s the youngest (and the tallest) in our blended family,... Continue Reading →

Hello out there!

I don't write much here anymore, but I still love this blog so much. It started at a time when my kids were young, and so was I. I was navigating the world of divorce at a time when my mid-20s felt ancient because while everyone my age was finishing college, hitting up the party... Continue Reading →

12 ways we keep our blended family marriage strong

My husband and I dated for a few years before we got married, living in separate households and reveling in the excitement of coming together every weekend. We’d both been married before, and were now living as divorced single parents. I longed for the time when we could finally blend our households and things could become much simpler. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening.

10 ways to unplug this weekend

This weekend, Petaluma is encouraging everyone to detach from their devices and join the community for some unplugged fun. From April 10-12, Petalumans will be out and about, enjoying picnics together, enjoying the waterfront, strolling downtown and more. There will also be plenty of unplugged events to choose from this weekend. On Friday, you can... Continue Reading →

Good friends and Prosecco

Every Tuesday, a group of friends and I hang out, taking part in a shared meal before settling in with a video series by Rob Bell, an emergent pastor with some simple, yet huge, ideas. Two months ago, many of the people in this group were strangers to me. But something happens when you spend... Continue Reading →

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